working culture

The Estonian work ethic is fairly straightforward: Do the work, meet your deadlines. People tend to be humble about their accomplishments (anything else may be considered bragging, which is not cool). Ask specific questions and give specific answers. Being too vague will get you nowhere.

Estonians take vacation time seriously. Many people go off the grid for at least a couple of weeks during the peak of summer (June-July) and will not reply to (or even check) work emails.

Work relationships in Estonia are based on a written employment contract.

  • The law allows for (and most positions come with) a 4-month trial period, during which it is easier for both you and the employer to get out of the contract if it’s not a good fit for some valid reason.
  • Most employment contracts are signed for an unspecified period. To sign a contract for a fixed term, the employer has to demonstrate the temporary nature of the work (such as a short-term increase in workload or seasonal work).
  • Salaries are freely negotiable and usually paid monthly to the employee’s (that’s you!) bank account.