Starting from June Residence Permit Applicants Must Make a Reservation for Service Time

Sander Nõmmik
Author Sander Nõmmik

Starting from June 1st, applicants must reserve a time to apply for a residence permit or extension of a residence permit at a Police and Boarder Guard Board (PBGB) Service Office. Reservation can be made by phone or through PBGB webpage.

According to chief expert at PBGB identity and status bureau Liis Valk around 300 residence permit or extension applications are submitted every week. “Reservation system gives applicants the opportunity to plan their time more comfortably and receive faster service. Additionally, reservation allows to plan service office worktime better,” said Valk.

According to PBGB identity and status bureau chief expert, people can reserve a time to apply for a residence permit or its extension on the PBGB website and through the information number +372 612 3000.

“Reservation is necessary when applying for a residence permit. Reservation is not obligatory when applying for residence permit card or other identification documents, but everybody can use the opportunity to avoid long waiting lines for other applications as well,” Valk added.

Reservation is necessary when applying for a residence permits in all PBGB Service Offices.