Empowering Women – Estonia 100 Edition
Women rights, gender equality, and the empowerment of women are important priorities for all of us. Today we’re happy to see that there are more and more strong Estonian female leaders emerging in all fields from politics and tech to education and beyond. In recent years, many successful female founders have become to running outstanding start-ups in Estonia and contributing to changing the world. We are proud, but not settled. As we are determined to see this trend grow worldwide, Estonia 100, Archimedes Foundation and Garage48 are calling together this hackathon on EMPOWERING WOMEN! It is about time to get out your megaphone, ladies!
On November 2-4, 2018 Garage48, Archimedes Foundation and Work in Estonia are coming to Lviv for an Estonia 100 edition hackathon to encourage more women to take the entrepreneurial path!
Why do women need to step up?
- From 1980 to 2010, 88% of all IT patents were by male-only invention teams, while 2% were by female-only invention teams.
- Today, only 25% of computing jobs are held by women. This is a number that has been on a steady decline for years.
- Only 5% of leadership positions in the tech sector are held by women; they make up only 7% of partners at top 100 venture capital firms.
Time to change these stats! Because recent studies state that:
- Women are more likely to launch education businesses. 9% of female respondents launched education businesses, compared to 5% of male respondents.
- Women are determined to run sustainable businesses. 13% of women-owned companies have been in business more than 20 years
- Women are ready to go that extra mile to see their companies grow. 57% of women business owners expect their revenues to increase in 2018
They have the background. They have the skills. They definitely have the spirit. We are here only to give a little nudge so they could also have the opportunity.
Why should everyone participate?
- Synergy and diversity is vital for innovation and growth; which is why ALL MEN are also invited and welcomed to take part in this powerful weekend full of ideas, hacking, building and networking! Let’s show the world how fruitful the results can be once the right alliance is set.
In Empowering Women – Estonia 100 edition:
Prepare for 48 hours full of fun, coding, building, designing, marketing and thinking BIG! If you’re ready to think outside of the box, meet like-minded people and get empowered! This event is for you!
We expect BOTH GENDERS with DIVERSE SKILL SETS – developers, designers, marketers, visionaries, project managers – to come together and work on their ideas with a target to have fun while doing it!
Everybody will get a chance to present their idea on Friday (November 2) in a 90-sec pitch.
Teams are formed on the spot around the best ideas (so please, do not worry if you don´t have an idea at all – you are more than welcome to the hackathon!). 48 hours that follow, will be filled with vibrant community energy, brainstorming and hard work, all in order to turn the initial idea into a working prototype. All the teams will be supported by top-notch local and international experts. All the finished prototypes/apps/platforms will be presented at the Sunday finale and the best teams will receive rewarding prizes that will enable them to develop their ideas even further!
The intense hackathon session will be followed by a celebratory evening event, where you get to have a drink and unwind while chatting with inspiring Estonians and Ukrainian friends of Estonia! The evening event is powered by Study Estonia and Archimedes Foundation.
The event is organized by Garage48, Archimedes Foundation & N-iX in partnership with Work Estonia and Study Estonia. The event is dedicated to the centenary of the Republic of Estonia.
Ticket price for all 3 days of the event is just 300 UAH and includes meals at the venue.
Registration and ticket sales: https://goo.gl/WeKcEN
So, meet us in Lviv, Ukraine! Annely and Kaisa-Triin from Work in Estonia team will be there.