Estonian scientists, scientific research establishments and higher education institutions will receive grants to a total value of 359 million euros to increase the role of science in social and community life and to implement research results, in order to improve the well-being of society.
“The grants are first and foremost designed for substantive research work rather than buildings and equipment,” explained Indrek Reimand from the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research. “In the next few years, we’ll be focusing on applied research and increasing the quality of research and education. Supporting future generations of scientists and developing international cooperation in Estonia is essential.”
The wider objective of the grants until 2020 is to increase the socioeconomic impact of Estonian science. Implementing research results and knowledge in order to improve the well-being of society is expected to become common practice. Many of the activities are therefore aimed at smart specialization areas for growth in the economy. Smart specialization is a pan-European initiative which aims to raise the level of innovation in business and improve cooperation between business and science.